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Update your company profile or program listings. Keeping your information current on this site is the best way to assure your information is correct in next year’s printed edition. Every year, 46,000 printed copies are distributed with Rough Notes magazine and to numerous conventions.

The Insurance Marketplace website allows two different search functions.

You can search by the category and then by the state. This will bring you up a list of all the companies that provide access to the specialty or excess lines that you are searching for. Just click on a company’s name and it will display all the contact information.

Or you can search by company name by selecting the tab and then scrolling alphabetically to the company’s name. This will bring you to the company’s storefront that lists all their contact information.

Still can’t find what you need. Please call our 1800-428-4384 and ask for extension 1096. A sales service representative will be glad to help you.

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Marc Basis
Vice President
National Sales Director - Benefits Advertising
Phone (866) 461-3045